This year we plan to sell at the Mount Holly Farmers Market hopefully for the entire market season, Lord willing. Mt. Holly Farmers Market opens on May 14, 2011 and runs until Labor Day weekend. We may sell at another farmers market but that hasn’t been finalized as of yet.
We are also wanting to sell on the farm. The only thing is, we need to get the word out that we’ll be selling here on the farm. Okay. This is what we’re thinking/hoping. At least every week, we’ll post something on the website listing the items we have available for that week. We really want to post something daily but we know how hectic our life is but that is what we are aiming for. Daily posts on the website which also get posted on Facebook. So, every day you can come by the farm on your way home from work or wherever and grab some fresh produce.
We should have some vegetables ready to sell in the next week or so. We’ll post on Facebook and our blog letting you know when and where you can get them. I know we have some radishes, lettuce, spinach, turnips, and snow peas getting closer and closer to being ready. Looking forward to this growing season. 🙂
Your Farmers,
Todd and Marnita Causby