I had hoped to get this newsletter out last Friday morning, but that of course didn’t happen. I quickly realized that I wasn’t going to be able to finish the newsletter and harvest everything for the CSA. Well, I just want to let all of the members know that this isn’t going to happen again, hopefully. From now on I will have the newsletter completed and sent to your inbox by Thursday evening.
I was at the Tailgate Market Saturday and my wife was at the Belmont Fresh Market. We had a few radishes and fresh free ranged eggs to sell at the Belmont Fresh Market. Everything went fairly well for the first pick up. It was really great to finally meet everyone.
The Tailgate market had a really good crowd. All the advertising that Lynn Caldwell has done is really paying off. Also, the Charlotte Tailgate is on Twitter and so are my wife and I. The Shady Creek Farm website is getting updated. We hope to have it updated by midweek. My wife and I are going to really try and post something on there every couple days or so. I know my wife is really wanting to advertise the Belmont Fresh Market. We found out that they had moved the location of the market a couple of days ago. I’m not sure exactly why they moved it but I think it has really done some damage to the traffic it used to get. If you know anyone over toward Belmont, please let them know Belmont has a Fresh Market every Saturday and on another note. Belmont is having their Garibaldi festival next Saturday, May 16th. All kinds of vendors will be there selling their unique items.
This week on the farm it has been quite hectic (aka Last Week). We have tried to get a few things in the ground in between the rainy weather. That rainy weather has done great things for our crops that are in the ground. It’s amazing how God makes everything work together. Yes, the rain helps our crops but also the thunderstorms. The lightening takes nitrogen in the air and makes it more accessible to our crops. He does work everything together for good.
Your Farmer,