It seems like it keeps getting colder and colder every week. Well, it seems like it to me anyways. Last Saturday was really cold at the Charlotte Tailgate Market. I want to thank everyone who came out and supported us at the market. It was our first time at the Tailgate market. I’ve read where other farmers really feel like they have a community that cares about the local farmers and I got that feeling this past Saturday. It was truly satisfying to see all these people care about what they put into their bodies and about how their food was raised and produced. Also, it really felt like a community of farmers there. Learning from each other and not trying to undercut someone else’s prices.
We will be at the Charlotte Tailgate Market again this Saturday, December 13, 2008. We will have fresh eggs, unshelled pecans, and handmade goats milk soap. We are still taking applications for our 2009 CSA program. We will also establish a waiting list after all the shares have been spoken for. If any space becomes available, we will start calling people from our waiting list first. Get your applications in soon. Space is limited and we are taking members on a first come basis. Have a good week. See you Saturday.