We will be offering Free Range Pastured eggs soon.  Hopefully by the middle of September.  We will hopefully have around 30 Dozen available per week.  If you would like to be notified when the first eggs become available send us an email at todd@shadycreekfarmandnursery.com. A bit about our chickens: Our chickens are Rhode Island Reds.  They are prolific layers of brown eggs.  They have been ranging on our pasture eating grass and scratching in the dirt, the way chickens are supposed to live.  They have free access to green grass, water, and feed (non medicated of course!)Read More →

I’ve learned many things in my first year of farming for a living.  However I feel the most important has been to not trust store bought soil tests.  In fact because I did trust a store bought soil test nothing has grown in our main field. I began noticing around the first of June that everything in our main field was growing very slowly.  It was like all of the plants were stunted.  So, I sent soil samples to NC State for testing.  Turns out that the pH in the field was way too low.  So, that has to be adjusted before the majority ofRead More →